Monday, February 8, 2010

SUPERBOWL Party at the Laxton's

We hosted the youth group for the superbowl at our house. Needless to say it was CRAZY downstairs . . . the smart ones stayed upstairs! I pulled out Bo's best BLUE (for the COLTS of course) outfits for the game!! This was her expression when she heard the Saints scored that last touchdown to secure the game!!! Her and I were upset about it. Rebekah and Josie . . . After learning of the Colt's loss Josie decided it was enough and gave up for the night.

Joe and Julie and Baby??

This here BO is orange drink. . . Num Nums (this could be a commercial Pic LOL)

Becky tank, Nattalie Tank, and Josie . . . I think Nattalie is Josie's biggest fan :) Nattalie helped with Josie all night.

This was Josie's first outfit before the spit (hee hee hee) this is the outfit Bo came home from the hospital in! has footballs all over it. Perfect for the occasion. Of course we made sure she had a bow so there was no confusion ;)

Aunt Julie and Josie

I made helmet cookies (some look like helmets) . . . the game was eat the cookie for the team you are rooting for . .. they were both gone :)

Daddy and Josie's first game together :)

Nattalie and Josie

Daniel Tank and Bo . . . I think Daniel got tackled more than some of the players on TV thanks to Bo!

Checking out Josie's football outfit!

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