Friday, August 21, 2009

IOWA STATE FAIR . . . Saving the Best for Last

Saving the best for last . . . THE TRACTORS!!! Bo couldn't get enough of the tractors. I know it was the highlight for him . . . for me it was the tenderloin and mini cinnamon rolls :) There were so many to look at his eyes were huge!
That wraps up our trip to the Iowa State Fair . . . I didn't get pictures of BO's first corn dog, but it was in there !!!!! We'll see what next summer brings . . . .

Iowa State Fair Cow Barn!!

Featuring the Grand Champion Bull . . . I think it weighed in at 3400 lbs if I remember right. I may have to correct this?? He sure didn't have much ground clearance!

The Reserve Grand Champion Hog . . . the grand champion was being swarmed so here we go. I saw this one weighing in at 1134lbs . . . Can this thing actually walk?? I'd say that's a LOT of bacon.

THe Mini cow . .. . the one on the right is the mom - full grown and then the baby. Too cute. purpose?? really don't know?! Less meat that's for sure.

Iowa State Fair Time!!

Bo's first adventure to the Iowa State Fair proved to be worthwhile. The temperature (the real reason we went :) was very cool and overcast which is unusual for the Iowa State Fair. It's usually blistering hot out (why we only go every few years!).
After the animal exhibition on the way to the barns they were having the horse and hitch (don't know what they officially call it) show . . . HUGE Clydesdale horses which were gorgeous and soooooo big. Seeing all the animals was for Bo like seeing all his "books" come ALIVE!! He loved it all of course but these huge horses really caught his eye!

First stop was the littleones animal exhibition. Little chicks, too bad we couldn't hold them :(

The NEW little piggies! So tiny and cute when they are small. So ugly and tastey when they are grown . . . . hee hee hee

Baby Goat . . . of course he remembers them from our trip to MO and choring with Uncle Roger!!

Here you see bo posing as a dairy farmer :)
On to the next barn . . .

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Sneak Preview:

JOSIE FAYE LAXTON expected to arrive December 23rd 2009.